"Eco World SA,
identifies with Ecology

We produce our energy from the sun!

In 2017 we finally managed to beat…
the bureaucracy in Greece!
Despite the economic crisis, against big interests …
overtaking the obstacles of mindless, self-seeking
bureaucrats, our company
“Eco World SA – Greekferries Club sa”
succeeded and after chronic and persistent efforts
got permission to produce energy from the Sun!
We installed solar panels in our building’s roof.
Enough to produce the energy we consume
from the sun.
We no longer contribute to the pollution of the environment!
Greece! A country with sunshine…10 months per year! It could,
against interests allow each of us to produce our own power.
To be cleared as a country from oil imports, currency exports
by…”big money” and trade unionists.
To…enable a clean environment to live in for the Greeks and
the world. To save resources, reduce taxes,
have happy citizens!
All of us working in Greekferries Club SA, about 30 executives,
thank those who helped make this lifelong dream a reality.
Help out as much as you can for a better quality of Life!